
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Week 1 | Day 5 - AGAINST THE ODDS | Activity 1 - National Treasure

Well, hello folks! Friends & Families! Patrick here. A bit behind schedule but that's all right. So, Sophie Pascoe. You know? The para-swimmer? At the young age of 2, she sadly got ran over by a lawnmower. Her leg got amputated in hospital. Nevertheless, she continued her dreams of being a competitive swimmer. It actually worked! Without the Paralympics, people like Sophie wouldn't achieve her dream. So as the other competitors. Today, I'll be sharing 3 things I would treasure. Hope you enjoy!
As always, comment down below what you think about this.
Blog ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Ahiahi Marie Patrick,

    Kueni here from the Summer Learning Journey. How are you? I hope you have been enjoying your summer holidays.

    Thank you for completing Week 1 Day 5 Activity 1. I really like this activity because you get to write about things/people that are important to you or are “national treasures”. It is really awesome to see that you have your friends/family right at the top of your list. I would put them at the top of mine too! What are some of your favourite things to do with your friends and family?

    I like that you have acknowledged something very important to you personally as one of your top 3 things that are important, that being Jesus and your religion. I am religious, and my faith would be apart of my three things that are most important to me also.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts over the summer,
    Ka kite,

    Kueni :)


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