
Monday, December 23, 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Week 1 | Day 5 - AGAINST THE ODDS | Activity 2 - Swimming To Safety

Well, hello folks! Friends & Families! Classmates! Patrick here. Well, the last post was about swimming. Why not another story? Yusra Mardini, aged 21. Who saved 20 people during a boat trip through to a new country as a refugee. Yusra was fed up with all the fighting so she decided to leave Syria. Today, I'll be telling her story. Hope you enjoy!
As always, comment down below what you think about this.
Blog ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Patrick,

    I hope you have been enjoying your summer break and have been getting a lot of sun and rest! I am so excited to be back to work to be reading your blog posts!

    Wow! I really enjoyed reading your blog post this afternoon of your retold story about Yusra Madrini. I like that you were able to read/watch her story and retell the story in your words, making sure all the important parts of the story were still included.

    I think her story is truly amazing, and a very inspirational one too! I see that you have used a similar structure to the one on Yusra’s personal profile, as it helped you when you were trying to write you retold story of what happened.

    I think it is cool that she is now training for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, will you be tuning in to watch the olympics? If so, what are your favourite events/sports to watch?

    Ka kite ano,


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